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Harvest Rewards Checking Special Offer

Starting earning today!
Open Your Harvest Rewards Account Online
RangeStandard APY*Blended APY Range* (assumes a $40,000 balance)
$0 - $14,999.996.00% APY6.00% APY
$15,000 - $24,999.990.25% APY6.00% - 3.66% APY
$25,000 and above0.25% APY3.66% - 2.37% APY
Does Not Meet Account Requirements0.05% APY0.05% APY
(1)Annual Percentage Yield as of 1/1/2024. Promotional APY applies for the first 180 days of account opening. After 180 days, the account will earn the then standard APY. Must sign up for online banking and receive eStatements, and complete at least fifteen (15) point of sale (POS) transactions which post and settle during the statement cycle to earn advertised APY. Accounts not meeting these requirements will earn a 0.05% APY on their entire balance. If customer stops receiving eStatements, customer will be charged a $3 mailed statement fee. Interest tiers apply as follows: 5.83% interest rate and 6.00% APY applying to daily balances up to $14,999.99; 0.25% interest rate and APY ranging from 6.00% to 3.66% applying to the portion of the daily balance between $15,000 and $24,999.99; 0.25% interest rate and APY ranging from 3.66% to 2.37% for all balances in excess of $24,999.99. This example assumes a maximum total balance of $40,000. Other terms and conditions may apply.

Harvest Rewards Rates

Open Your Account
RangeStandard APY*Blended APY Range* (assumes a $40,000 balance)
$0.00 - $14,999.993.25% APY3.25% APY
$15,000 - $24,999.990.25% APY3.25% APY – 2.04% APY
$25,000 and above0.25% APY2.04% APY – 1.37% APY
Does not meet qualifications0.05% APY0.05% APY

Annual Percentage Yield as of 01/01/2025 and subject to change without notice. Fees may reduce earnings. Must sign up for online banking and receive eStatements, and complete at least fifteen (15) point of sale (POS) transactions which post and settle during the statement cycle to earn advertised APY. If customer stops receiving eStatements, customer will be charged a $3 mailed statement fee. Limit one account per tax reporting name. Interest tiers apply as follows: 3.20% interest rate and 3.25% APY applying to daily balances up to $14,999.99; 0.25% interest rate and APY ranging from 3.25% to 2.04% applying to the portion of the daily balance between $15,000 and $24,999.99; 0.25% interest rate and APY ranging from 2.04% to 1.37% for all balances in excess of $24,999.99. This example assumes a maximum total balance of $40,000. Other terms and conditions may apply. Ask for details. 

Prime Money Market Special

Start earning industry leading interest on your extra funds while keeping them liquid for peace of mind!
Open Your Account
RangeRateAPYCompound Period
$0 - $99,999.994.15%4.24% APYWeekly
$100,000 - $224,999.994.64%4.75% APYWeekly
$225,000 - $299.999.994.88%5.00% APYWeekly
$300,000 and above4.68%5.00% APYWeekly
(1) Annual Percentage Yield (APY) and Promo APY effective 1/16/2024 and subject to change without notice. Must open a Prime Money Market with at least $25,000.00 in new money to earn Promotional APY. Promo APY will reflect up to a 1.55% interest rate bump over the Standard APY for the first 180 days from account opening date. Any changes in the Standard APY will also be reflected in the Promo APY during that time but will continue to reflect the 1.55% interest rate bump. If your average daily balance is $99,999.99 or less, the APY paid on the entire balance is 2.70% (with a Promo APY of 4.24% for the first 180 days of account opening.) If your average daily balance is $100,000.00 - $224,999.99, the APY paid on the entire balance is 3.20% (with a Promo APY of 4.75% for the first 180 days of account opening.) If your average daily balance is $225,000.00 - $299,999.99, the APY paid on the entire balance is 3.45% (with a Promo APY of 5.00% for the first 180 days of account opening.) If your average daily balance is $300,000.00 or more, the APY paid on the entire balance is 3.45% (with a Promo APY of 5.00% for the first 180 days of account opening.)

Prime Money Market

Start earning industry leading interest on your extra funds while keeping them liquid for peace of mind!
Open Your Account
RangeRateAPYCompound Period
$0 - $99,999.992.66%2.70% APYWeekly
$100,000 - $224,999.993.15%3.20% APYWeekly
$225,000 - $299.999.993.49%3.45% APYWeekly
$300,000 and above3.15%3.20% APYWeekly
(1) Annual Percentage Yield (APY) and Promo APY effective 10/01/2023 and subject to change without notice. If your average daily balance is $99,999.99 or less, the APY paid on the entire balance is 2.70%. If your average daily balance is $100,000.00 - $224,999.99, the APY paid on the entire balance is 3.20%. If your average daily balance is $225,000.00 - $299,999.99, the APY paid on the entire balance is 3.45%.  If your average daily balance is $300,000.00 or more, the APY paid on the entire balance is 3.20%.

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For lost or stolen FFBT Personal Visa credit card, please call 800.558.3424

For lost or stolen FFBT Business Visa Credit Card, please call 866.552.8855